When I get a new client, part of my intake process includes having them fill out a five day food and beverage journal. This journal also tracks moods before and after meals so we can start to draw connections between how certain types of foods impact energy, focus, satiation, etc.
When it comes to new client food journals, there are a few things I see time and time again. Here are the top three pitfalls I consistently come across:
✨ Grazing throughout the day and not eating real meals — Not getting adequate fuel during the day impacts blood sugar balance, metabolism, and gut health. We should be eating meals/snacks on a consistent, predictable schedule. If done correctly, we should be able to coast ~3 hours between eating without feeling hungry or irritable.
✨ Not getting enough protein (or nutrients in general) — When we’re eating inconsistently and without a plan, we’re not getting the nutrients our body needs to function. Protein being most important, it’s nearly impossible to hit 50g+ daily if you’re just grazing. Same goes for micronutrients and antioxidants. Most of my clients, even those hoping to lose weight, need to eat MORE food and not less to meet their body comp goals.
✨ Too busy with work and kids to eat breakfast and living off liquids until noon — We’re ingrained with the idea that fasting until lunch is good for us and promotes fat loss. But 9/10 times you’re setting your body up for a sluggish metabolism and an over taxed endocrine system. Focus on easy to prep foods to grab and go in the morning — hard boiled eggs, protein-packed chia pudding or a veggie heavy protein shake are my go-to’s for those busy mornings.
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